Laser Spine Surgery
Laser spine surgery refers to the use of a variety of techniques and lasers to treat spine disorders.The disorders are mainly:Herniated Discs (HNP) or “slipped discs”Spinal foraminal stenosis a type of spondylosisSpinal tumorsThe different types of Laser Spine Surgery may include:Percutaneous Laser Discoplasty, Disectomy or Nucleoplasty (PLD, PLN)Percutaneous Endoscopic Laser Discetomy (PELD)Percutaneous Endoscopic Laser Foraminoplasty (PELF)Microsurgical Laser DisectomyMicrosurgical Laser DiscoplastyMicrosurgical Laser NuleoplastyMicrosurgical Laser Spinal Tumor ResectionThere are several different types of Laser systems that include:Holmium LasersThulium LasersNd-Yag LasersCO2 Lasers There are also some new “Super Lasers” (Potentially superior to Laser Energy devices) that can be used that include: Plasma Energy EMF-PAL EnergyIn general the use of Laser spine surgery in a minimally invasive fashion allows spine surgery to be done quickly , often as a day procedure with return home the same day, frequently with no stitches required because of the small openings, much less pain and post-operative discomfort, and lower surgical exposure risks. These treatments can also be quite effective for treating a variety of spine disorders.
Laser Spine Bedah
Operasi tulang belakang Laser mengacu pada penggunaan berbagai teknik dan laser untuk mengobati gangguan tulang belakang disorders.The terutama: Disc Herniated (HNP) atau "tergelincir disk" stenosis foraminal Spinal jenis jenis spondylosisSpinal tumorsThe berbeda Bedah Spine Laser mungkin termasuk : Percutaneous Laser Discoplasty, Disectomy atau Nucleoplasty (PLD, PLN) Percutaneous Endoscopic Laser Discetomy (PELD) Percutaneous Laser Foraminoplasty Endoskopi (PELF) mikro Laser Laser DisectomyMicrosurgical DiscoplastyMicrosurgical Laser NuleoplastyMicrosurgical ResectionThere Laser Tumor Spinal beberapa jenis yang berbeda dari sistem Laser yang meliputi: Holmium LasersThulium LasersNd-Yag Laser LasersCO2 Ada juga beberapa baru "Laser Super" (Berpotensi unggul perangkat Energi Laser) yang dapat digunakan yang meliputi: Plasma Energi EMF-PAL EnergyIn umum penggunaan operasi tulang belakang Laser dengan cara invasif minimal memungkinkan operasi tulang belakang harus dilakukan dengan cepat, sering sebagai prosedur hari dengan kembali ke rumah pada hari yang sama, sering tanpa jahitan diperlukan karena bukaan kecil, nyeri lebih sedikit dan ketidaknyamanan pasca-operasi, dan menurunkan risiko paparan bedah. Perawatan ini juga bisa sangat efektif untuk mengobati berbagai gangguan tulang belakang.
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